Supreme Court/ Blog Post 2

 The United States Supreme Court was founded in the year 1789, it was brought into light and reality with the passing of the Third Article of the United States Constitution, which was signed by President George Washington. The first official SC meeting was held February 2nd, 1790. The history and importance of the Supreme Court is that the SC has the power of cases over all courts in the country. The Supreme Court has the ability to pick and choose which cases they wish to look at. The way the Supreme Court works is that if a certain case can not be settled in the lower courts, it will make its way up all the way to the Supreme Court. The court consists of 9 presidential appointed judges who will serve for a lifetime or until they want to retire. They are confirmed/ denied by the US Senate. The Chief Justice also sees over all of the impeachments, as they did with the impeachments of US Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton (both were aquitted) and including Donald Trump who was aquitted as well. The number of judges has changed over time from it originally being to six, then ten, and in 1869, they confirmed that it will be 9 judges which is what it is today. The article goes into detail, stating that Justice's Earl Warren,  John Marshall, and Charles Evans Hughes. The Supreme Court is a remarkable court that has shaped the way society is today with the legalization of so many rights for people in the world today, it has changed America for the better. 


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