Blog Post 4

 Blog Post 4

I would say that you would have to seek out a lot of research to find these kinds of websites because the government does not want you, the American people, to truly know what they are doing and that what they are doing is illegal. We talked about in class how it is important that the American Public should be aware of what the United States is doing because Congress, the President serve us, they are suppose to do what is best for us. And some of these military actions they are doing, violate so many laws by doing these kinds of things without the approval of the public. Some of the articles I read, in regards to Iran back with the killing of Soleimani. Or the attacks in Syria both in 2017 or 2018. Sure the majority of the public supported the reasons behind those attacks, but we did not want to go to war with anyone. We knew about the General of Iran being a dangerous man and it was reported that he was planning an attack against the United States. And the Syrian government deserved those attacks for the chemical weapons they were using. But the question remains that why is it so hard to find? I think it is because the government knows that the actions they are doing is illegal and believe that if they filter the search results then the public will not be aware of these actions that the government is doing and its easier for them to get away with it if they aren't too aware about it. 


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