Blog Post 6- EOTO(1)

 For my EOTO assignment, I did the Video Recorder, in the research that ensued the process of discovering information, I learned quite a few things about the recorder. I learned that it has been around since the 1900's. It is said, when information was further unfolded to me, that the video recorder was invented by a man named Charles Ginsburg during his work at the Apex Corporation. Charles Ginsburg wanted to find a way to take still images and turn them into videos to capture the moment before he first began his initial blueprints for a camera. The company is now known as "Sony", maker of video cameras and some of the best video equipment to date. In 1956, Sony sold the first video tape recorder, aka VTR, for nearly $50,000. If you adjust for inflation for the year 2020, it makes the price worth $457,000. That is a lot of money. Throughout the years, Sony became more and more famous for their dedication to enhancing technology and further development and reputation when it comes to their video cameras. In the year 1960, Sony released the very first known television. It was known as Sony TV8-301. This technological advancement helped grow the world in many ways that have affected us in today's world, the 2020 world. In 1979, Sony released the very first stereo cassette player, followed by the 1982 release of the first CD player in existence. When looking back on all of these technological advancements, it was very interesting to see how the Video Recorder played a big role in the advancement on the world. We see things in a completely different way, or maybe children in Generation X see how it has truly affected the world because they lived through the years of its advancement and how it became a lense to society, no pun intended. The video recorder brought so many pros to its release, it has great imagery, it can record both audio and video, and it provides better coverage. Researching and learning about the history of the video recorder brought so much happiness to me as well, because I am an MPE major, (media production and entrepreneurship major) and with it comes the important field of understanding how video production works. It opened my mind and became a little bit of a second project to me as I got to enjoy researching something related to my major, that I came to realize, I didn't know as much about it as I truly thought, so kudos to you Professor Smith for assigning this. 



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